Friday, July 30, 2010

No post today

I am simply exhausted after an unusually busy and tiring day and since its Friday, I decided that the post for today could wait until tomorrow. I just thought I would let you readers know in case you were waiting for the post. Don't laugh, there might be someone out there who was waiting for the post! Whoever you are - Thanks! lol
I will be back with my musings on what the markets might hold for us next week and also a watchlist for next week sometime during the weekend.
Make it a great weekend!


Bill said...

HA! Sadly that person was me. Love the blog, keep having fun with it, and have a great weekend.

P.S. Good call on DE, better cut it loose soon, looks like a slide is fast approaching next week, unless you want to hold it for 2-3 more weeks for the rebound.

positiontrader said...

Thanks Bill :). Have a great weekend. Will be back with a post tomorrow.

Jay Jay said...

