Its been so long since I posted that I dont know from where to start this post. Well, how about the beginning. I have been told that's often a good place to start. I started this blog four years ago when I was still in grad school. That seems like a lifetime ago. Simpler times. Joe Pa still ruled (Having spent six years in Happy Valley, I am yet to make up my mind on that one. Heart or head thing). PhD was easy, trading was tough. But that's what made it fun. Returned home. Got married, took a job, got in the rut. You know how the story goes. Somewhere down the line, the tables got turned. Life got tough, trading got easy.
Along the way, I have become convinced that life offers all of us an opportunity to follow our dreams at least once. But life, like the Trading Gods, can be quite a tease. Often, it will give you that one single opportunity when you are least equipped to take it. Then its up to you and whether you have the guts to take that opportunity and make it count. Show life that you have what it takes. Show that you are up for the challenge. Show that you can make it count.
If you dont take that opportunity, all you can do is wait for the next one, if at all it ever comes, and live with "what if?". I know I haven't said much but I think I have said enough. I wonder how many of you readers out there can relate to this post.
Take care and good luck! I promise to be back.
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