Wednesday, February 9, 2011


There comes a time in every man's life when he finally runs out of excuses and has no choice but to get married. Well dear readers, that time for me has come and I get married this Sunday. I don't claim to be an expert on marriage, but I highly doubt that the new ball and chains will be too pleased with me trading or blogging during our honeymoon. So, the blog will take a break for ten days or so and I will be back next weekend.

Take care and good luck!


Anonymous said...


positiontrader said...

Thanks! :)

mike said...


Maks said...

Grats! Enjoy time off! :)

derek said...

congrats! honeymoon in 2002 was most detached I've been from markets and it was great...enjoy!

TST said...

Welcome to the club

ppmoore said...

Wow, congratulations

Paul (who himself got married 3 months ago)

Bill said...

sounds like your actually a true fundamental analyst of life choices ;-)

best wishes to you both.

Is It Possible said...

Congrats :-)

positiontrader said...

Thanks a lot for the best wishes guys! It feels like I have friends and well wishers from all over the world, even though I have never met them!

datrader said...

I about spit up my coffee at the reference to the 'new ball and chains' ... not sure she'd appreciate that reference ...
